Thursday, November 24, 2011

Niagara Birding

 A Row of Glaucous Gulls! 

This is the time of year birders flock to the Niagara River to look at gulls, waterfowl and any other birds of note.  Some excellent birds have been reported there this year, including the Razorbill at the mouth of the river, and the Black Vultures near Queenston.  They were once again reported today, and hopefully will be present for the weekend.

I plan on heading up there after a few year's absence!  I used to go every year, but have held off in recent times.  I first went  back in the 1990's to join field trips led by Martin Parker.  By doing that, I got a feel for the river and what to expect.  Certain spots are good vantage points for gulls and other birds.

A good starting point is the mouth of the river at Niagara-on-the-Lake at the park there.  It is an excellent spot to see grebes and loons and perhaps a Razorbill!
Other points include the Queenston docks where you can get right down to river level.  A little ways upriver, the Adam Beck overlook is a famous spot to see many species of gulls, including the annual California Gull.

Upriver from that, if you want to get warm and take a break, go into the Butterfly Conservatory.

The Whirlpool area is a good spot to look down on the gulls for species such as Black-legged Kittiwake.  I once saw a Franklin's Gull here.
There are various spots to look on the river, but above the falls you can look for other gulls and ducks.  Here you can also look for Purple Sandpiper on the slimy rocks.  I have not heard of any reports yet this year, but some should be there by now.
Beside the Enginerium building is a good outlook spot.  Keep your eyes open for other birds.  Back in 1995 I found a Yellow Warbler in the trees there that was apparently record late at the time.

Along the way, you meet other birders and you can exchange information as to what has been seen.  I always meet people I know, so that is helpful.
Weather looks fairly warm this weekend, unusual for this time of year.  I found it was always cold and windy almost every time I went in the past.
It is a long, crappy drive to get there, and perhaps that is why I do not go as often as I used to, but it should be an interesting weekend.  I know I will probably meet at least one birder there who reads this blog!


1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoy what Niagara has to offer and that you get some good views of the Razorbill.
