Saturday, November 5, 2011

Another Pelee Tip Watch

Since there was a strong SE wind, I decided the best bet was Point Pelee for today.  I arrived shortly before 08:00 and was soon joined by Alan.  Most the birds were made up of Red-breasted Mergansers.  Probably 15 duck species in total for the day.  Not many gulls today.  Shorebirds included a single Sanderling and a distant flock of about 20 Dunlin.  A total of 22 Common Loons was seen by myself.  A single Red-throated was spotted by Alan.
Merganser Mess

A fair number of raptors were moving.  I later saw two Golden Eagles (juv) and a perched Peregrine Falcon.

Strangely I never came across a warbler!  Very few passerines today.  A good sized flock of sparrows was at the south end of NW Beach--mainly Juncos.  An Eastern Phoebe was here also.

One Snow Bunting was flying around as I walked down West Beach Trail south of the VC.  I was mainly looking for butterflies and some were to be found.  I had 7 species today!  Most common was Buckeye.

Totals included:
    Common Sulphur --3 NW Beach (south of P. L.)
    Orange Sulphur --1 West Beach Trail, 4 NW Beach
    Question Mark --1 NW Beach
    Eastern Comma --4 WBT, 2 NW Beach
    Red Admiral --1 WBT
    Common Buckeye --12 WBT, 7 NWB
    Monarch --1 WBT, 1 NWB

Maybe Shoeless Joe's had some Fiery Skippers, but I did not have time to go and look.

Still some possibilities Sunday as strong south winds are predicted.

Orange Sulphur

Do you recognize this mug?

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