Saturday, October 22, 2011

Autumn Splendour

The day started out rather cloudy, but eventually the sun came out for a fine day of birding.  Yesterday I decided I would hit Rondeau Park on Saturday, as things were looking up for a large number of birds to be around.  I was not disappointed.
As I drove into Rondeau Park early this morning, hundreds of sparrows (mainly White-throated) and many Hermit Thrushes lined the roads.  As I started walking south point trail, birds greeted me right off, and they were all the way along.  I spent 4.5 hours on SPT alone if that tells you anything!  No rarities, but the sheer number of birds was nice to experience.

Needless to say, White-throated Sparrows were the most numerous and dozens of Dark-eyed Juncos were present as well.  I had all the usual sparrow types plus Vesper.  Even towhees were present in a respectable number.

Warblers totalled nine species.  I saw 2 Tennessee (getting late-Nov. 1 is the latest I think), 1 Black-throated Blue male, 1 Pine plus other expected species.  I had perhaps 9 Orange-crowned Warblers and just as many Nashvilles.

Three vireo species, including 1 Red-eyed (latest is 7 Nov last year), 1 Philadelphia (rather late-not sure latest date!), and perhaps 9 Blue-headed.
Red-eyed Vireo

Philadelphia Vireo that did not co-operate!

There were a few Purple Finches eating ash seeds, and a few Pine Siskins flying around.
At one point I heard an early Snow Bunting flying over.  I looked up and saw a flock of birds which were likely American Pipits as I heard them at the same time as well.
Also I briefly saw a Northern Mockingbird along the dune area of SPT.
Hawks were moving as were TV's (lots!).  At one point I saw a nice Red-shouldered and a rather light young Red-tailed.

Eastern Bluebirds were around--been quite a while since I have seen any.
And, Eastern Phoebes were plentiful--up to 15 on SPT?

Several Common Loons few over this morning but no Red-throated.  I have only seen 2 Reds ever at Rondeau!

Over at Blenheim Lagoon, a huge number of birds were present.  Right away I noticed a phalarope in lagoon 1, but it's bill told me it was a Red-necked.  Not sure of the late date for that one here.  A latish Barn Swallow was flying around with Tree Swallows.  Three Horned Grebes were in pond 3.

Over in the sprinkler cells, 22 shorebirds were warily feeding.  Included were a Long-billed Dowitcher, 1 Semipalmated Sandpiper, 1 Pectoral, 2 Dunlin, 1 Lesser Yellowlegs and the rest being big yellowlegs.
Ruddy ducks have dominated the lagoons recently.  Perhaps 800 today?

A few butterflies were out including a couple of the rosa form of Buckeye at the lagoons.

Birds were quite skittish today and it was difficult to get any photos.

1 comment:

  1. Blake, great posting. It was a great day all around. Nice find with the Phalarope in Blenheim... I might try to chase that tomorrow. They should set up a bird-cam at B.S.L!!!
