Monday, May 24, 2010

Victoria Day Birding

Today was probably the nicest day weatherwise so far this year.  It was just pleasant to be out walking around even though not many birds were present.  The bulk of yesterday's birds had already departed under last night's clear skies.
female Blackpoll Warbler

A good number of warblers were around, including Tennessee, Black-throated Green, Yellow-rumped (1), Black-throated Blue, Blackburnian, etc.

American Redstart

Probably the highlight for me was a male Hooded Warbler at the Gardiner Deer Exclosure.  It did not co-operate for photos!
I also looked for more Showy Orchis plants and found several.  Some were quite fresh.  There is one area in the park that they are numerous.  I do not have a proper camera for photographing orchids, but I did get some photos.

The lake was clear for the first time in two days, but hardy anything was out there.  I did see a Common Loon and a male Hooded Merganser.  Not sure where the Hooded came from, but they have nested in the park's sloughs.

I did not see any Whimbrels, but others did.

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