Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mid-week Sightings

This evening I went for a walk at a conservation area north of Wallaceburg. It turned out to be such a nice day with clear skies and very warm temperatures.

Last night we had heavy rain and it continued into the morning. This morning I could not go for my morning walk at Port Lambton due to high winds and heavy rain. There were birds there, but who knows what! Yesterday there were new arrivals including an Eastern Wood Peewee, Tennessee Warbler and Scarlet Tanager.

Back to the evening walk. A male Scarlet Tanager was singing in the oaks, while the female was nearby. In the hawthorn shrubs, a Blue-winged Warbler was working for insects and occasionally singing while an elusive Nashville Warbler was singing in the same vicinity. The Nashville did not reveal itself, but it was there.....somewhere.

Two Solitary Sandpipers were in wet spots in a field.

Rose-breasted Grosbeaks were singing too, along with the Baltimore Orioles. In a low marshy area, I heard some squeaky sounds, and soon realized a brood of baby Wood Ducks was swimming around.Actually there were not many birds, but it was certainly a nice walk.

Yesterday I heard a Scarlet Tanager singing nearby when I went out the door in the morning. In the yard was a singing Tennessee Warbler and an Ovenbird lurking around in the garden. The three White-crowned Sparrows were still present yesterday as well. The one appears to be of the gambelii type. I always look for this subspecies when I can, not that it is a big deal.

A dozen or so Pine Siskins refuse to leave the yard. It will be interesting to see how long they decide to stay!

1 comment:

  1. I had Pine Siskin at the Visitor Centre in Pelee on the 14th of May as well. I don't think I have ever seen so many Pine Siskins in May before!
