Friday, May 29, 2009

Rondeau May 29

Since it was a very nice day, and I needed to go for a long walk, I headed down to Rondeau Park. Quite a few migrants were still around and some butterflies as well. The most numerous warbler (besides Yellow and Redstart!), was Blackpoll. They were all over. Others included Black-throated Green, Black-throated Blue, several Blackburnian, Magnolia, Wilson's, Canada, and several Mourning.
Lots of Willow and Alder Flycatchers were calling.
The only thrush I saw was a Gray-cheeked along the maintenance compound fence.
A good-sized flock (~100) of shorebirds was off the east beach of south point trail. Most were Semipalmated Sandpipers, with a few Sanderlings, Dunlin and one Semipalmated Plover.
There were several Hobomok Skippers throughout the park.
Hobomok Skipper (with deformed wings)

fresh Hobomok Skipper

I also walked a ways out Marsh Trail. At the start was a pair of Green Herons. I seem to see those each time, so they must be nesting in the area. There were some butterflies and moths out there, including a White-striped Black, which is rather neat.

White-striped Black Moth

I also saw the first Little Wood Satyr of the year. Later, I had another near the maintenance compound.

Little Wood Satyr

Several Mourning Cloaks were out today.

My first Question Mark of the day was also out marsh trail.

Question Mark

I only saw one Pearl Crescent today in south point parking lot.

Coming back on marsh trail I noticed a baby Snapping Turtle on the path.

A couple of Blanding's Turtles were in the pond near the start of marsh trail--a reliable spot.
Other butterflies of the day included Orange Sulphur, Tiger Swallowtail, Spicebush Swallowtail, American Lady and Azure sp.

Also of note were three White-crowned Sparrows out marsh trail. They were likely the same ones from last Sunday. Getting late for those to stick around!
Sandhill Cranes were calling in the marsh, and I even saw one fly over.

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